Employee Engagement, Image Credit: Pixabay
Too often, high-end and competent professionals feel as though—when it comes to company solutions to foster employee input—they are simply in receipt of a “tick-box” exercise.
In other words, the corporation claims to value the input and thoughts of their staff members – but clearly puts in place inadequate solutions, in order to simply “go through the motions” of the process.
Let’s therefore, explore the ways that we can change that:
Having a regular formal meeting, with a range of key stakeholders present, can help to make employees feel as though their input is truly valued. It can also create a workplace culture of understanding – and therefore one devoid of stereotypical assumptions (such as management believing that staff do not wish to work hard; or staff believing that management are out to cheat them in some manner).
Trust and respect are vital in order to sustain the hierarchical system of any organization: people need to feel as though their particular role is a vital and appreciated one. Having the chance, therefore, on say a quarterly basis, to attend a Workforce Council – where it is made clear that ideation and creative thought (as well as constructive feedback) will be welcomed by leadership.
Image by Ronny Overhate from Pixabay
This might not be appropriate for all C-Suite meetings – but it is certainly a mechanism that can be introduced where possible. Sometimes leadership decision-making can seem distant and aloof – with outcomes seemingly “imposed” on the rest of the workforce. In that sense, having a designated Employee Representative on the Board can create a bridge between both sides of the equation – thus creating a workplace culture of trust and transparency.
Oftentimes, when management has an idea that can be implemented across the corporation, like with any grand or utopian plan, the impact on the ground might end up being very different to that which is envisaged from afar. Having someone from the “grassroots” of the organization present during key decision-making, therefore, can help new ideas and innovations to be shaped earlier into more practical and sustainable plans – based on what the workforce knows to be feasible and logical.
Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
This is a prime chance to show that, as a company and employer, staff members are to be rewarded with their effort, enthusiasm, dedication, loyalty, and innovation. Crucially, if a professional-during the preceding year – has demonstrated real added-value for the company, with clear financial gains, then that extra profit and market share capture should filter through into better remuneration and bonuses.
Furthermore, such an annual 1:1 meeting should not be merely financial in nature, but rather offer the chance for a mutual exchange of personal feedback, with constructive criticism offered in both directions.
Both information on how the employee can further grow and develop; and information on how the company might be better able to support that process (from the perspective of the staff member). Any issues with mental health and bullying should be on the table during these moments.
Image by Dustin Hart from Pixabay
Alongside fair remuneration and benefits, there is no better way to foster long-term co-operation between leadership and employees than to give the latter a real stake in the future of the company and it’s value.
Employers should ensure that employees have a pertinent incentive to make decisions in the best interest of long-term company health – whilst employees should feel as though they have a slice of the long-term added-value that they are bringing to bear for the firm.
In modern times, the fluidity of professionals is at an all-time high. The average tenure at companies, therefore, is getting shorter and shorter – which is of course negative for strategic planning and inducing staff members to make decisions based on long-run investment and sustainable financial returns. Share ownership, therefore, can serve as an antidote to decisions made in accordance with haste and risky financial return.
Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
Finally, top-notch professionals only feel valued if they are not micromanaged into boredom and frustration. We are creative beings—and therefore it is important to not stifle that natural tendency. In order for an employee to feel truly valued, they must be heard, with their ideas and innovations respected and—where commercially sensible—implemented.
That means allowing time for genuine creative thought and ideation. Measuring the number of keyboard strokes, and breathing down someone’s neck, is simply not going to cut it. If you treat an employee like a child who has to be controlled, then their actual productive output will be nil. 5 minutes of quiet contemplation can produce wonders in terms of valuable insights for business growth and development. It is thus impossible to measure “productivity” across 5 minutes—but you will soon enough see the impact on monthly KPI’s and deliverables.
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It should be clear, therefore, that—when it comes to employees feeling valued, respected, listened to, and rewarded—companies have to implement genuine and long—term solutions. Top talent will never be satisfied with the dusty “suggestion box” at the end of the hallway; the place into which paper goes and is never actually read (at least not in a timely and proactive fashion).
Corporations, if they wish to retain their high-end talent in the most fluid job market ever seen, need to enact measures which satisfy the thirst for creative thinking and ideation on the part of staff members who yearn to add value and contribution to the team.
The time for boosting employee engagement must be now!
This is the type of best employer practice that we are looking to reward here at JobPloy Solutions.
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CMO at JobPloy Solutions
CEO at The CEO Hub
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Top 10 LinkedIn Coach (Yahoo! Finance)
Shortlisted for the “Junior Nobel Prize” (2014, 2015, 2019)
Created by Mathew Warboys for JobPloy Solutions
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