Of course, we understand that businesses need to protect their commercial interest and viability — and not hand top-notch employment positions out without due process and selection.
On the other hand, however, this can indeed be taken too far — to the point of detriment for jobseekers and their mental health. Here at JobPloy Solutions, we are all about “creating job relationships that matter”. In other words, it simply has to be fair on both sides.
In this article, therefore, we delve into 5 of the top factors (whilst not all of them) — and explain how we define a company as a “responsible recruiter” in the job market (in order to become “JobPloy Solutions ✅Certified” with us).
Responsible Recruitment
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Even from this first sub-heading, it is probably clear what I am about to say — but nevertheless it is worth doing so. The number of times a jobseeker finds an interesting Job Description — and is deciding whether to throw their hat into the ring — only to be confronted with an opaque salary listing (which is “competitive”, or “to be discussed”).
You would not offer any product or service like that in the marketplace; and therefore a place of employment should not be either. The dreaded interview question of “salary expectations” — after a lot of the hard work has already been put into the application process — is simply unfair. Be transparent and upfront; and start with the kind of trust and rapport wished for in the employer-employee relationship thereafter.
[Source: Aajan (Canva Pro)]
Likewise, when it comes to the Job Description, a company should not be providing a misrepresentation of what the job will actually entail in the future. Of course, it is understandable to play up all of the interesting aspects of the role — and the benefits to be received.
But it would be disingenuous, for example, to talk about the successful candidate having “responsibility for catering management”, when in fact it means providing the sandwiches and coffee to the management team on their break. Again, if a staff member turns up on their first day, and has their expectations dashed with the quality of the work — then it is not the kind of trust and rapport to start the new working relationship.
[Source: John Stocker (Canva Pro)]
It should go without saying — even though it is not always considered by Hiring Managers — that a jobseeker might not have an income at the moment. In that sense, when you get a recruitment process that takes 4 months from start to finish — with an unreasonable number of hoops to jump through — it becomes almost unsustainable for the person on the other end of such (especially when they are needing to do the same for other potential employers as well).
Instead, companies should be mindful of these time and financial pressures; not acting in a manner to exacerbate them. Likewise, it is extremely poor practice to leave people hanging on without knowing their fate — expending nervous energy on a role that might already have been filled already (when that energy could be better directed towards a more practical and viable solution). The “golden rule” definitely applies here: “treat others as you would wish to be treated in life”!
[Source: Elnur (Canva Pro)]
Relatedly, what can of course cause this increased time in the recruitment process is a completely disproportionate number of steps contained within such. Most commonly, the number of interviews can themselves feel like a full-time job already — with the constant preparation and angst about each one of them.
The truth is, if an employer needs multiple interviews to ascertain the competency and credibility of a candidate, then they cannot be asking the right questions in the first place. It says more about their poor recruitment process (rather than the potential of the candidate). We encourage employers to not put undue stress and anxiety onto jobseekers at this debilitating time.
Similarly, someone might have high-end grades in Mathematics — and a numerical work experience background — but still be sat down for number-based competency tests and the like. Common sense should prevail in these circumstances; in order to ensure a smooth and proportionate recruitment process for all concerned.
[Source: Terminator3D (Canva Pro)]
Finally, quite apart from being told why they did not land a particular role, a lot of companies will not even inform a candidate that they have not been successful — which is the height of rudeness and arrogance. If someone has taken the time to submit an application to your company, the least that can be done is to send a polite note about them having not met the requirements (if indeed that is the case).
Furthermore, any and all specifics are of course even better. Whilst we can appreciate that the time might not be available in all circumstances, certainly for candidates who made it to the latter stages of the recruitment process, it would be the decent thing to provide them with some indication as to what they could improve next time. In any case, not doing so time and time again, is only hurting the brand image of the company (as well as causing pain and hardship for the jobseeker concerned).
[Source: Raywoo (Canva Pro)]
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Taken altogether, therefore, it should be clear that — here at JobPloy Solutions — we believe that there is a better means of being able to conduct responsible recruitment (in essence, one with more of the human touch).
Whilst we appreciate that finding top-notch talent is not an easy and simple process, we also believe that that mission can be combined with the principles of fairness and understanding — in order to elevate the concerns and needs of the jobseeker as well.
For those companies who are trailblazing in this arena, we look forward to honouring them with becoming “JobPloy Solutions ✅Certified” hereafter.
[Source: Syda Productions (Canva Pro)]
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Co-Founder at Dream Job Hub
CEO at The CEO Hub
Top 10 LinkedIn Coach (Yahoo! Finance)
Shortlisted for the “Junior Nobel Prize” (2014, 2015, 2019)
Mathew Warboys
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